MattOpen provides a set of tools to enable you to open your Himalaya™ environment. You'll be able to easily:
Maintain your Pathway system and extend it with applications developed on Windows workstations (Delphi, Microsoft Visual C, Microsoft Visual Basic, Borland C or Pascal, SmallTalk, and others)
Integrate your Pathway system with standard applications and tools such as MS Office, Lotus SmartSuite, SAS, and more
Replace SCOBOL requesters with new clients such as Windows programs or Web-based pages - at your own pace
Integrate your current Pathway system with new modules from third-party vendors or modules developed in-house
The MattOpen Dynamic Interface lets you access and
control legacy Pathway applications from new client
applications on the PC. The MattOpen Dynamic Interface
uses Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), enabling data transfer
from the Himalaya™ to the PC and vice versa. The Mattopen.dll,
a dynamic link library, establishes and maintains
the connection between the PC-based applications and
your legacy Pathway
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additional information about MattOpen
See also:
Screen Designer